All the data we deliver is filtered and specific to each client’s needs. If you like any of our data templates, just request a quote for your specific product categories. You can also customize your data template. Just click on the view button.


0201FIRST ALERTExpiring Contract Opportunities
0202JUST INRecently Awarded Contract Pricing
0203CUSTOM VIEWCompiled Data Analytics

REPORTS are available at subscription rates. Individual one-time reports are also available for purchase. Click the VIEW REPORT SET  box to see report samples and pricing options.


0204RAW DATA DOCUMENTSCollected specifically for your need
0205PROCESSED DATA FEEDCustom Data Templates & Workbooks
0206CONSULTINGConsultative Research & Analytics

PROJECTS are available at flat rates within a fixed time frame to fulfill a specific client need. Click the VIEW PROJECT SAMPLES box to see project samples and pricing options.


0207RFQ SPECIFICATIONFor manufacturers to promote/advocate
for their brand on public sector contracts
0208RFQ PREPARATIONFor resellers to process upcoming bids more
0209RFQ EVALUATIONFor purchasing agencies to evaluate core list options
0210ANTIMICROBIAL COATED PRODUCTSFor manufacturers, resellers and purchasing agencies to identify & provide safer choices

PROGRAMS are available at flat rates within a fixed time frame to fulfill a specific client need. Click the VIEW PROGRAM DETAILS  box to see project samples and pricing options.

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